Jamie was the lucky winner of a drawing I had for a free session… LAST YEAR! And she immediately told me that she wanted to use the free session for family photos. But I’m sure you all know how hard it is to get a whole family together, especially with everyone’s different work schedules. Life just gets in the way sometimes, but then other times it works out perfectly.
Jamie and I finally found a day that worked for everyone, only a year later… sorry Jamie! Totally funny. Anywho, they wanted to do pics on their family farm, which is a centennial farm. How cool is that!!! We started out behind their home using some of their sheds, then we took a walk by the cows to get way back in their pasture to use an old wagon. Then we took a little hayride, that’s right a hayride, down through their property where we could find some shade. The trees were absolutely gorgeous and honestly, those are my top pics from their session.
I love fall. Seriously. How can you not love the smell in the air as the leaves are changing and the holidays are just around the corner. The holidays bring families together and I hope the Weaver family has a great holiday season passing around their new family photos 🙂
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