I had posted a few months ago that at the start of 2013 I would no longer be taking appointments for newborns or small children. I did that mainly because it’s just hard to shoot in the winter months without a studio and I’m not huge a fan of indoor photos (unless you can find amazing window light). Honestly, the real reason is that I want to focus on weddings rather than portraits.
BUT, I do have close friends and family whom I will still take photos for and there were a few sessions I already had booked before I made the announcement. In this case, one of my best friends has a nephew that turned 1 in January (he’s a new year’s baby). They asked if I could take Mason’s portraits and of course I said yes. The thing is…. January is cold! And it’s cold/flu season. The original date we had Mason’s session scheduled for he got sick. Poor little guy. So we had to put off the photo shoot to another day. Before we knew it 2 months had flown by and we still hadn’t scheduled it. Last Saturday finally worked out for all of us and I drove to Mason’s grandma’s house to set up. What happened next is every photographers nightmare! When I turned on my camera to start getting my exposure and ISO right, the darn thing wouldn’t focus on anything. I thought it was my 50mm lens but after changing the lens the camera was still not working properly. I freaked out! Naturally I have a backup camera but I didn’t even think to bring it with me. Good thing it was my BFF’s family or else I probably would have had a panic attack and cried LOL. I was actually getting ready to buy a new camera anyways (another 5D Mark II) so that I had a backup that was the same as what I use for weddings, etc. Perfect timing. Like I said, I do have a backup but I didn’t even think to bring it. Good thing Aunt Becky had her camera on her (the same as my backup camera). I was able to use her camera just like my own and create these beautiful images of Mason.
Mason was so darn good and gave me great smiles. He’s such a happy baby…especially when grandpa is around! He would just give basic grins and stare at us until grandpa came around. Then he started clapping and cheesn’ it up. So cute!
Enjoy looking through my favorites from Mason’s session.
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