It’s here…. cold weather. And when I say cold I mean the kind of cold where you have to defrost your car windows before going anywhere in the morning. Those bitter mornings where you better just start the car and wait in the house because you’ll freeze your butt off waiting for the car to warm up. We’ve had a few of those days already and on the morning of Daniel and Lindsay’s engagement session we lucked out and DIDN’T have frost. We scheduled their session for 8:30am and goodness was it cold. Lindsay was dressed all cute in a white lacy dress and cowboy boots and the first thing she asked me was “exactly HOW cold is it outside?” I told her it was cold but it manageable. You honestly wouldn’t know it was super cold by looking at these pictures. We even had a blanket for some shot so we could keep Lindsay warm.
Getting this shot below was funny. I was squatting in some weeds and shooting through the limbs.
June can’t get here fast enough! So excited for their wedding day!
No water meant we could sit on the waterfall. Pretty cool.
Not sure what Daniel was doing here, but I love Lindsay’s smile! So happy.
One of my favorite favorites for sure!
Hello gorgeous fall colors!!!
Another absolute favorite right here!
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