Last spring I made the commitment to coach the SHS cheerleading squad. I had been asked numerous times if I was interested and I’m just not the person who can say NO that many times to something. It was a huge decision considering I run my own business and I work part-time at the local newspaper. I knew it was going to need major organization on my part to be able to do all 3 things well. What I didn’t realize was what I was getting in return. These 10 girls have grown to be like my 10 daughters. We have gotten close over the last 8 months since I became their coach. There are days where I walk in and just know it’s going to be a bad practice and then there are days where I walk in and I can just feel the energy and spirit.
My very first practice with them really wasn’t even a practice at all. I sat them all down and we talked. We talked about their goals, what they want to achieve as a squad, stunts they wanted to try, etc. I knew we had a long road ahead of us but we’ve stuck it through and we’re doing amazing things now.
We recently started this team building activity that we do at the end of every practice. We share something with the squad (there is a daily question) and it stays within the squad. It’s really made a difference and I’ve seen the girl get closer. It’s been amazing to watch and I’m so proud of them. We are now practicing hard to prepare for the Sparta Tournament where we’ll be judged. Whether we win or lose, I’m so proud of the team they have become. I’m the lucky one to say I get to be THEIR coach. Coaching isn’t about teaching. It’s about learning too.
I haven’t seen my girls in a whole week because of the crazy winter weather we’ve been having. I miss them terribly and I’m so excited to see them tonight. Stay tuned for more pics of my girls. Trust me, I have plenty!
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