The time has come for Fall Mini Sessions and preparing for Christmas cards. That’s right…I just said Christmas!!! UGH. I know what you’re thinking…that I’m crazy for planning this far in advance, but in the photography world, we get booked up quickly, especially in the fall. As a matter of fact, I’m pretty much booked up till Thanksgiving but I’m trying to squeeze in as many sessions as I can. I still have plenty of week nights available but weekend dates are very limited.
So here’s the info for the mini sessions. All the sessions will take place in Chester, IL at the Pierre Menard Home. Last year I had 2 locations and I wasted a lot of time traveling back and forth. Since all sessions will take place in one location, I can fit more sessions in. There are 2 packages available, both including CDs with 10-20 images from your session with a print release. Call, email or message me on Facebook to book your session today! Space is limited so don’t procrastinate!
P.S. If it rains, I will get with each individual family and reschedule and try to get their sessions in.
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