After getting lost on the country roads by Shiloh and Ava, Cassidy finally made her way to my aunt and unle’s house out in the country for her senior session. She brought along her mother and her boyfriend and when they pulled up they immediately apologized for being late. I really can’t blame them. It’s hard to get around in the country if you’re not used to it or not from the area. Cassidy actually moved to Chester a year ago so she’s really not too familiar with this area anyways, so it’s all good really.
The session started off on the lane that leads to my aunt and uncle’s house. The lane is beautiful in the fall and the most glorious colors pop out there. We also went up to the house by the shed and old farm house. At one point, while shooting out by the field, we looked over and there was a baby calf out of the fence! Nobody was home and I didn’t know if I needed to call anyone or if that was a normal occurrence LOL. Finally their son came home and helped get it back in under the fence (it happens all the time apparently) and we moved along with the rest of Cassidy’s session.
You would think after the cow incident that it would stop there… but you’re wrong. There was this beautiful spot that Cassidy and I both loved, but the only way to get to it was to climb over the electric barbed wire fence. Honestly, I normally try to stay away from that sort of thing but Cassidy really wanted to do it. So she stepped over the fence and accidentally hooked her jeans on one of the spikes on the barbed wire. She got struck by the electric fence for a second (or two) but the poor thing just rocked it out like nothing had happened. I felt bad but she laughed it off and said it was worth it. She told me that she had a great time and that’s all that matters. Here are my favorites and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
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