When you’re a wedding photographer in a small town, you tend to photograph a lot of weddings where you see the same people over and over again. Jordan has been a groomsman in a few weddings that I’ve captured in the last few years and each time I kept thinking that maybe one day I’d get to put him in the hot seat and I’d get to capture his own wedding day. Well my wish came true when Angela, Jordan’s fiance, emailed me and asked if I was available for their wedding. I was so excited! They are such a cute couple and I knew that they were going to be fun to get to know through this process.
For their engagement session, I asked if they had ever been to Tower Grove Park. I had shot there recently for a senior session and absolutely loved it. Everything is blooming now that spring decided to show up. They were up for whatever I had in mind but Angela wanted some spring blooms, so it really was the perfect spot. On the way up to St. Louis I had asked how Jordan proposed and if he picked the ring out all by himself. He said that picking out the ring was the hardest part of the whole thing! He looked at a few places and just didn’t know what would be the best option so he talked to some of Angela’s friends and they helped him narrow it down. Jordan proposed while Angela’s family was getting family photos taken. How cute is that?!
It’s hard to narrow down favorites, as it always is, but you’ll see why when you scroll below. In some of the photos you’ll see Willie, a beautiful labradoodle, who very much loves his parents. Whenever I was finished taking Willie’s photos, Angela’s mother would walk him around the park while we finished up portraits, but Willie would never go too far. He was always looking around to make sure Angela and Jordan weren’t too far away from him… awe!
I can’t wait to get these two back in front of my camera this fall. It’s going to be an amazing day with amazing people and I’m secretly hoping that Willie makes an appearance at the wedding at some point… you know, for just a few pics. Okay, maybe a few snuggles too.

Absolutely beautiful!