Fall Engagement Session – Family Farm
Sidney and John met at a Supercross party and then later on reconnected through Facebook. They’ve been together 6 years and they’ve been through a lot together. Sidney moved away to go to college so long distance was a bit tough. Then she moved back and they decided to buy a house. Not just any house. A house that they have completely gutted and rebuilt! Going through a home remodel and Sidney finishing up nursing school, it was a lot and kind of stressful, but they got stronger through all of it and now they’re getting ready to start the next chapter in their lives.
You all know I like me a good proposal story. Well here is Sidney and John’s.
Someone told Sidney that John would be proposing soon. Naturally, John was upset by that and the whole thing kind of lead to Sidney knowing some details. They went together and picked out the ring together. Sidney has known since the day she met John that she was going to marry him and that proposal moment for her, being a surprise, was something she was looking forward to. Since they had picked out the ring together, that “surprise” moment was out, or at least she thought. She thought he was going to be proposing on a trip that they had planned in Tennessee. She was shopping and planning for that trip and was so excited. Little did she know that John was planning to do it BEFORE that trip.
They made plans to go to the Busch Brewery with some friends to look at the Christmas lights. There was a spot at the end of the display that was perfect for pictures and their friends said they had to get a picture there. As Sidney sat her purse down for the picture, their friends all had their phones out and they were trying to coordinate the shot. Sidney thought something was a little fishy because everyone had their phone out. As Sidney placed her arm around John’s arm, she said she could hear John’s heart beating out of his chest and she knew it was about to happen! It was the most perfect moment that she had been waiting for 🙂
I’ve known these two for years and I’m so honored that I get to be a part of their big day. For now, enjoy a few of my favorites from their engagement session. Their session took place out by their farm and I couldn’t be happier with how they turned out. Just wait till you see their cute dogs!!!

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