I’ve taken many pictures of Austin and Karlie for my friend Lindsay. Ever since Karlie was born, Lindsay has wanted updated pics of her kids ever few months. Usually Karlie is the one who cheeses up for the camera and smiles and is interested in what’s going on. But this time, Austin was the one who loved being in front of the camera. Karlie was busy running around and scoping out the location. She’s so mobile now! Lindsay, her mom and I would finally have Karlie ready for a shot and she’s start running again. So funny. It’s definitely the age and typical for kids to do, but we made the best of things and ended up with some great shots.
I can’t believe that Karlie will be 2 soon and Austin is is 4 1/2. They’re growing up so fast! Seems like yesterday I was taking Karlie’s newborn pics and Austin was laying next to her giving her kisses on her forehead. He’s such a great big brother. They’re pictures turned out amazing and I can’t wait to show you them. Enjoy my favorites from their session.
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