I wanted to get this blog post up way sooner but the day just got away from me. I’ve been narrowing down dates for spring mini sessions and I’m going to do something new this year for Mother’s Day. The information is below and if you are interested please email at kacey@kaceyphotography.com to book your spot.
When: Sunday, April 19 (8am-5pm) AND Saturday, May 2 (8am-1pm)
Cost: $85.00
When: Sunday, April 19 (8am-5pm) AND Saturday, May 2 (8am-1pm)
Cost: $85.00
Location: My brother’s farm (Willisville – Will give address once you sign up)
What Do You Get: 30 High-Res Digital Files (You will download from online gallery)
When: Sunday, April 26 (8am-3pm)
Cost: $85.00
When: Sunday, April 26 (8am-3pm)
Cost: $85.00
Location: My brother’s farm (Willisville – Will give address once you sign up)
What Do You Get: 30 High-Res Digital Files (You will download from online gallery)
This is JUST for moms and their children. There won’t be any pictures of full families. If you want full family pictures I would book a regular mini session or contact me for a regular session.
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