Country Engagement Session
I love country engagement sessions. The reason I love them is because usually it means that we’re using property of a family member or a location where either the bride-to-be or groom-to-be grew up, etc. For a wedding photographer, I feel like I tend to use the same locations over and over again. That’s not a bad thing. It means that I’m comfortable in locations that I know. It’s just nice to switch things up a bit. Which brings me to Taylor and Adam’s engagement session. When I was emailing Taylor and asking her for ideas on locations, she really only had her family property as an option. She wasn’t sure if she wanted everything taken there or not. So we landed on the idea to shoot at Maeystown since it’s close to where the family property is. We were going to meet in Maeystown first, shoot in their first outfits there and then head to the country to change into the more casual outfit and do pictures at the family farm. Well… plans changed a bit. Taylor messaged me the day before telling me that Maeystown was having their fall festival and I honestly thought we’d be fine taking pictures there still. Boy was I wrong! We couldn’t find a place to park without walking like a half mile into town. Poor Taylor walked in her heels all the way to meet me (there’s absolutely NO cell phone service in that small town so I couldn’t get ahold of them to change plans). It was totally nuts with the amount of people there and the buildings all roped off, etc. It was great for Maeystown, but very bad for us. We made the decision to just head to the family farm and do everything there. And let me tell you… everything happens for a reason!
Seriously, it was not a bad thing at all! I absolutely love Maeystown but Taylor’s family property was beautiful and perfect for their engagement photos. As I was driving up the lane I knew instantly it was meant to be. There was this beautiful lane with a fence line that curved a bit. I knew we’d be heading there first. The light was coming in perfect and Taylor and Adam were in light colors (perfect for my light and airy style of photography). There was a little bit of a breeze where Taylor’s dress flowed a bit. I love movement in my photos and not always a standard pose shot. As we kept walking the property, I kept finding little perfect spots. I probably said, “just a few more shots here, and then we can change into outfit #2” like twenty times. I could have taken pictures all morning but I had to pull myself together and focus LOL. If you’re a photographer and you find good light, good locations and everything is going perfect, you know what I am talking about!
After a quick clothing change and a short drive on the side-by-side, we landed in our second location with was just fields of tall grass and sunshine. Taylor and Adam were pros by this time and getting confident in my posing techniques. It’s always more relaxing to be in the casual outfit, too, so my couples always get comfy and cozy in front of my camera by this point. I loved hanging out with these two and I am so excited to see them again in May. I literally could have taken pictures of these two all day but I had to stop somewhere LOL. Check out a few of my favorite below. Enjoy!

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